[11:58:48] [connected at Wed Apr 17 11:58:48 2024]
[11:58:48] [I have joined #xf-bod]
[11:59:18] <ivyl> heyo
[11:59:23] <sima> hi
[11:59:48] <Lyude> hi! time for roll call :) (for new people, that just means saying you're here so I can put down your attendance)
[12:00:08] <emersion> note, i will be on leave next meeting
[12:00:17] <Lyude> gotcha
[12:00:44] <kusma> Hey, I'm Erik Faye-Lund, and I'm present, in case that's unclear :)
[12:01:22] <mfilion> o/
[12:01:27] <cmichael> here
[12:01:31] <mfilion> nice to meet you kusma :p
[12:01:42] <Lyude> (thank you for the full name haha, I still need to associate everyone's nicks with who they are :P)
[12:02:12] <mfilion> Eighth_Doctor nice to meet you as well. Time to change your handle to "Eighth_BoardMember"? hihi
[12:02:18] <kusma> Yeah, I'm not super active on IRC these days, so I fugured it could be useful ;)
[12:02:30] <Eighth_Doctor> lol
[12:02:47] <emersion> hi all, i'm Simon Ser
[12:03:02] <Eighth_Doctor> Hello all, I'm Neal Gompa. :)
[12:03:04] <mfilion> emersion welcome!
[12:03:10] <sima> emersion, Eighth_Doctor, kusma welcome and thanks for volunteering :-)
[12:03:16] <emersion> ty :)
[12:03:18] <Lyude> So the agenda for today: XDC, SFC (should be pretty brief), and board positions/handovers/etc
[12:03:24] <ivyl> good to have you all on board
[12:03:43] <kusma> Thanks for the welcome, all :)
[12:04:26] <Lyude> (also sorry - was just making sure all the new board folks are here)
[12:04:49] <Lyude> I can start with the SFC stuff - they received all of our signatures (also I did send mine but I forgot to Cc it to the board, so it may have looked like I forgot but I didn't :)
[12:05:14] <Lyude> So I think we're just waiting for them on next steps regarding some of the khronos contract stuff
[12:05:28] <Lyude> mfilion: do you have any update around XDC?
[12:05:33] <mfilion> Really glad that first part is done (the signatures)
[12:05:41] <sima> Lyude, we need to regen the bylaws with an actual date (I guess we can use the date when tracy replied) and push it to the main branch
[12:06:01] <Lyude> sima: gotcha, I assume all the other content in the by-laws is the same
[12:06:03] <Lyude> *?
[12:06:09] <sima> since the changes we voted on are still only sitting in the topic branch
[12:06:19] <sima> Lyude, I think the date was the only one
[12:06:27] <Lyude> gotcha
[12:06:58] <sima> Lyude, git grep PLACEHOLDER
[12:07:09] <mfilion> I just returned from my biggest event of the year so now that the dust is settling I can focus on XDC and get things moving. The GStreamer folks are happy to make an joint announcement so just need to sort that out with them. I think I still have access to the indico instance so should be able to get a new site going soon. Will ping here though if
[12:07:09] <mfilion> any access issues.
[12:07:11] <sima> Lyude, so you're volunteering?
[12:07:25] <Lyude> sima: sure :p, seems easy enough
[12:07:28] <sima> Lyude, thx
[12:07:55] <rg3igalia> regarding XDC, apart from the CfP task handover and such, I'm worried about sponsor hunting, should we have started already?
[12:07:57] <sima> mfilion, with emersion we now have an fdo admin on the board
[12:08:09] <mfilion> oh that's true, niiice
[12:08:19] <sima> rg3igalia, yeah I waited to confirm whether we co-locate with gstreamer, planned to get that going this week
[12:08:22] <Lyude> oh i forgot emersion wasn't on the board. so used to seeing their name with other stuff haha
[12:08:26] <sima> it's again a bit late, but not as late as last year
[12:08:32] <emersion> lol
[12:08:32] <sima> rg3igalia, iow, you'll get mail :-)
[12:08:51] <rg3igalia> sima: hehe, ok :)
[12:09:09] <Lyude> So I guess if that's it for XDC stuff, we can go onto board positions?
[12:09:16] <sima> rg3igalia, Igalia mail is actually the first one sitting in my draft folder ...
[12:09:21] <emersion> i'm interested in helping out with sponser hunting fwiw
[12:09:26] <emersion> sponsor*
[12:09:39] <sima> Lyude, mfilion xdc25 still on track? I'd like us to be less late again going forward ...
[12:09:56] <Lyude> What needs to be handled with that, figuring out RFP and such?
[12:10:19] <sima> emersion, I've cc'ed the entire haggling onto board@, so as soon as you have access to the archives you can see the old threads
[12:10:20] <kusma> What's the dates for this years XDC, BTW?
[12:10:21] <mfilion> @sima yes, Arm are very keen on hosting xdc25, so they're already looking at budget for it. I'll help them with proposal as soon as they get the budget green light.
[12:10:29] <sima> plus we keep track of stuff with gitlab issues a bit
[12:10:30] <emersion> cool
[12:10:47] <sima> mfilion, awesome, just wanted to check it's still all good
[12:11:26] <kusma> mfilion: CAM, TRD or OSL? :)
[12:11:33] <sima> Lyude, we need to fix up everyone new with the stuff here https://www.x.org/wiki/BoardOfDirectors/Duties/ under Administrative Member
[12:11:45] <sima> and then find volunteers for everything rg3igalia has done since he's stepped down
[12:11:54] <mfilion> @kusma UK most likely, tbc
[12:12:03] <sima> plus I guess someone for gsoc/evoc would be great since that's stuck in limbo
[12:12:16] <Lyude> yeah, I haven't heard a whole ton from maira
[12:12:30] <sima> Lyude, maira isn't even officially listed on there ...
[12:13:13] <sima> Lyude, oh just realized, one for the minutes: I recently noticed that keithp and manasi stepped down from coc team, should probably thank them in the minutes or something
[12:13:21] <Lyude> right, I'll get to fixing that after :S. but yes, it would still be good for us to get someone to actually be in charge
[12:13:21] <sima> at least I haven't seen anything fly by, but maybe I missed
[12:13:32] <Lyude> sima: oh! good point, I will do that
[12:13:58] <sima> kusma, emersion, Eighth_Doctor https://www.x.org/wiki/BoardOfDirectors/Duties/ <- pls go through this and nag Lyude or me for access rights or so
[12:14:28] <sima> or maybe just drop your gitlab usernames here so I can start
[12:14:35] <Eighth_Doctor> Conan_Kudo
[12:14:50] <Eighth_Doctor> mmm gpg :/
[12:14:54] <rg3igalia> apart from XDC CfP, the main tasks I was doing was handling some membership requests and reviewing the board mailing list queue
[12:14:54] <emersion> emersion
[12:14:56] * Eighth_Doctor will need to dig that out
[12:14:56] <kusma> my username is @kusma 
[12:15:21] <sima> Lyude, can you do the board@ m-l wrangling? I'm not sure I even have the pw ...
[12:15:30] <Lyude> mhm - We basically need someone to volunteer for XDC Organizer Coordinator, XDC CFP, and EVoC/GSoC administrator
[12:15:39] <kusma> https://kusma.xyz/pgp-public.asc
[12:15:41] <Lyude> and sima sure thing, I think we should have the password in credentials now
[12:16:01] <mfilion> that mailing list queue has been really painful lately
[12:16:12] <emersion> my PGP key is at https://emersion.fr/.well-known/openpgpkey/hu/dj3498u4hyyarh35rkjfnghbjxug6b19
[12:16:39] <ivyl> rg3igalia: I can take over membership requests
[12:16:42] <mfilion> @lyude we can figure out XDC roles once its all announced & the site published
[12:16:43] <rg3igalia> by the way, I'll stay around for some time in case someone needs advice regarding any of the tasks I was in charge :)
[12:16:49] <Lyude> mfilion: sgtm
[12:16:51] <Lyude> rg3igalia: thank you!
[12:17:06] <mfilion> yes thank you rg3igalia!
[12:17:21] <Lyude> could I get emails as well? preferably over DM since in case bots want to scrape
[12:17:40] <Lyude> oh wait
[12:17:42] <Lyude> i should have them nvm
[12:17:57] <sima> hm I can't nuke old members from the gitlab anymore ...
[12:18:03] <sima> emersion, can you do that with admin powers?
[12:18:11] <emersion> yea
[12:18:17] <sima> https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/xorgfoundation/bod-archive/-/project_members alysse, emma and ricardo would need to be removed
[12:18:29] <rg3igalia> Lyude: yeah see my last email to the newcomers
[12:18:36] <sima> somehow you can only do that if you added them yourself, and well, old danvet is gone :-)
[12:18:39] <Lyude> yeah that's where I got them
[12:19:36] <Lyude> ok - everyone should be subscribed on the mailing list now
[12:19:50] <emersion> done
[12:19:54] <emersion> let me know if i made a mistake
[12:20:00] <Lyude> gonna clear out the old members as well
[12:20:55] <Lyude> ok - should be done
[12:21:26] <Lyude> I will start remembering how to add the gpg credentials to the bod-archive as well
[12:21:41] <anholt> good news is bod-archive has instructions :)
[12:21:47] <sima> ok everyone new should have access to the board gitlab and admin rights on members.x.org now
[12:22:11] <sima> for the board@ archive the credentials are in the gpg section of the gitlab
[12:22:18] <sima> anholt, yeah it's nice :-)
[12:22:35] <Lyude> oh can you just update it from gitlab now?
[12:22:40] <Lyude> I was going to do it from `git crypt`
[12:22:58] <sima> Lyude, the gpg still needs git crypt
[12:23:04] <Lyude> ah gotcha
[12:23:10] <sima> I just handed out access to the repo, since that's private
[12:23:18] <sima> just some parts are extra private
[12:23:34] <sima> Lyude, so you're doing the git crypt stuff?
[12:23:46] <Lyude> sima: yep
[12:23:49] <emersion> sima: hm it seems the new BoD members were added to the gitlab archives project but not the foundaton group
[12:24:09] <emersion> oversight?
[12:24:19] <emersion> (old memebers were in the group)
[12:24:29] <emersion> (group automatically grants access to repo, and potentally more stuff)
[12:24:45] <sima> emersion, oh right that explains why I couldn't nuke them I guess
[12:25:03] <Eighth_Doctor> I wondered what was going on 😅
[12:25:15] <emersion> want me to mv folks from repo to group?
[12:25:35] <sima> already clicked the buttons
[12:25:38] <emersion> nice
[12:25:56] <Eighth_Doctor> are we supposed to be only guests?
[12:26:08] <sima> and yeah they need to be there, since there's also the repo for the members.x.org website in there as a private thing
[12:26:14] <Eighth_Doctor> doesn't seem like it for old members
[12:26:15] <sima> Eighth_Doctor, nah I just suck today
[12:26:39] <Eighth_Doctor> no worries sima 😅
[12:26:57] <Lyude> ok, emersion and kusma should both have access to the crypt now
[12:27:27] <Eighth_Doctor> sweet everything looks right now in gitlab
[12:28:07] <sima> emersion, I also removed the additional memberships on the repo so it's not confusing
[12:28:09] <Lyude> Eighth_Doctor: let me know whenever you find your gpg key
[12:28:29] <Eighth_Doctor> will do
[12:28:32] <emersion> sima: good idea, that way these memberships aren't left behind when the term ends
[12:28:52] <emersion> can confirm git-crypt works
[12:28:58] <sima> success!
[12:29:29] <sima> so yeah I guess the only other big thing for handover would be if anyone's up for xdc paper committee running
[12:29:41] <sima> it tends to be a bit of work though
[12:30:02] <sima> and I've done it before, so happy to help if someone volunteers
[12:30:36] <sima> since I think we need to get that going as soon as mfilion has the website ready
[12:32:13] <Lyude> kusma, emersion, Eighth_Doctor - would any of you be interested in that btw? ^
[12:32:43] <kusma> Sorry, I'm still reading up on what git-crypt is :P
[12:32:50] <Eighth_Doctor> I've never done it before, but I guess I could help out
[12:33:29] <emersion> i already have quite a bit of things on my plate, so i'd prefer to leave it to someone else if possble
[12:33:43] <kusma> I would be happy to help out with the paper committee. But as I never were on a paper committee before, I don't think I would be comfortable chairing it ;)
[12:33:54] <sima> Eighth_Doctor, if you want to look I could give you access to the previous xdc admin pages, so you can look a bit at the stuff there
[12:33:58] * Eighth_Doctor has a lot too, but if he's not doing it alone, he'd be happy to help
[12:34:04] <sima> or ask rg3igalia
[12:34:05] <rg3igalia> I can help and be part of the reviewers, and I have a few tricks up my sleeve regarding creating the schedule, which is one of the final tasks
[12:34:32] <rg3igalia> however, notice this year the schedule would be slightly different due to the conference format change
[12:34:43] <Eighth_Doctor> oh?
[12:34:45] <sima> kusma, yeah chair is mostly about rolling the process, stuff like deciding where to put the cut off, which talks all the include in the "maybe" discussions and all that
[12:34:47] <kusma> what format change?
[12:34:57] <sima> mfilion, your speech please
[12:35:02] <rg3igalia> :D
[12:35:03] <mfilion> 2 days of talks, 1 day hackfest/meetings
[12:35:06] <sima> bit more hackfest approach
[12:35:23] <kusma> Hmm, interesting
[12:35:44] <mfilion> quite a few people asked for that in recent editions
[12:35:52] <kusma> So a bit less talks, and a bit more of the back-row hacking that already happens
[12:36:02] <mfilion> as we ended up having alot of people going in and out of talks to attend meetings
[12:36:03] <mfilion> right
[12:36:24] <sima> kusma, it also helps with the temptation to cram all the talks in instead of selecting
[12:36:39] <mfilion> yep that too
[12:36:40] <ivyl> kusma: it's still 2 days of talks
[12:37:02] <rg3igalia> yes, we'd force ourselves to be way more selective with the talks
[12:37:12] <mfilion> exactly, and be more efficient in our time use
[12:37:45] <kusma> Sounds great :)
[12:37:48] <anholt> more selective in talks feels better to me anyway
[12:38:01] <mfilion> 100%
[12:38:03] <ivyl> I really enjoyed the hackfest at Igalia's HQ last XDC.
[12:39:03] <Lyude> BTW - I think we can call the end of the meeting now (feel free to still talk about CFP stuff, I've just got a meeting to go to at the start of the next hour)
[12:39:26] <mfilion> haha I think we're good for now
[12:39:40] <Eighth_Doctor> sima: sure, I'd be interested in seeing the previous stuff
[12:40:06] <sima> Lyude, oh one think, rg3igalia and me split out the housekeeping part in the duties page, you want to take that over unless someone else volunteers?
[12:40:35] <kusma> OK, then I'm off, catch y'all later
[12:40:55] <anholt> bye!
[12:41:03] <mfilion> thanks everyone
[12:41:10] <kusma> insert wave emoji here
[12:41:11] <ivyl> thanks, cya!
[12:43:06] <Eighth_Doctor> bye y'all 👋
[12:50:11] <sima> Eighth_Doctor, uh I can't figure out how to get to the indico admin pages anymore
[12:50:17] <sima> rg3igalia, halp ^^
[12:50:20] <Eighth_Doctor> welp
[12:51:14] <rg3igalia> the admin links have been removed from the indico pages, IIRC
[12:52:33] <rg3igalia> you need to add the /manage/ suffix to the official sites to access it
[12:52:33] <sima> rg3igalia, do you have a link? I think I cleaned my history
[12:52:45] <sima> thx
[12:52:58] <rg3igalia> e.g. https://indico.freedesktop.org/event/4/ <-- add "manage/" there
[12:53:10] <rg3igalia> I think that's what you wanted, probably
[12:53:30] <sima> yup
[12:54:00] <sima> Eighth_Doctor, https://indico.freedesktop.org/event/4/manage/ <- your conference chair person now for xdc23, should give you access to everything, just don't edid stuff :-)
[12:54:32] <sima> mfilion, maybe ping me so I can clone xdc23 for xdc24, if you want that instead of empty conference to start out with
[12:55:52] <sima> ok gtg now
[13:02:45] <emersion> oh btw is alyssa still managing the fdo mastodon account?
[13:17:27] <Lyude> emersion: I belive so
[13:24:05] <emersion> cool, just want to make sure it's not abandonned
[13:26:11] <Lyude> oh wait you mean post board?
[13:26:18] <Lyude> I'm not sure if they'll be maintaining it from now on
[13:27:00] <emersion> yeah i mean now that they're no longer board

[13:32:56] [disconnected at Wed Apr 17 13:32:56 2024]